Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mating requests

I have been getting email requests for a few doggies. I would urge you guys to post directly on the site. Its easy as eating pie. If you'd like me to post these profiles, please let me know. Also send me a couple of pictures of your potential bride/groom - always helps.

Happy Dassara

Keep your skittish doggies safe this festive season by hiding them under beds, buying them earmuffs..actually its just best to sit calmly with them with some body contact and an overall calm demeanour. Dogs pick up on our sense of panic or urge to calm them down when we can seemingly lose our own sense of calm, and this bothers them even more. It also helps not to use their names and to just remain calmly seated with them with some body contact.

Have a safe one.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

Flying with your dog

We had a recent chat with Jet Airways regarding their policy for flying dogs. Some main points we got from the conversation were:

1. The dogs are usually stowed in an temperature and pressure controlled environment in the belly of the plane.
2. The charges for flying your dog are roughly 200/kg plus a 1200 rs service charge and the cost of the cage/container.
3. Puppies must be atleast 2 1/2 months old to fly.
4. Dogs must carry a certificate deeming them 'fit to fly' from a vet. Also a history of your pets inoculations. 
5. Pugs, bulldogs and boxers are on the no-fly list as they are believed to be Al Qaeda operatives. No, seriously because they have breathing issues when flown in an aircraft and carry risk of death.
6. Reservations can be made by calling the airlines' cargo division in your city.

So the next time you plan to fly your doggies for shaadi or non-shaadi related reasons keep in mind these general guidelines.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our sticker for promotions

So we've almost finalised a sticker design for generating more awareness about this site that we will be requesting vets and pet stores to permit us to paste at their establishments. Will post it here as soon as we are done for any comments (especially since you guys seem super eager about this site ;) ).

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Be kind - promote us :)

If you'd like to help us put up a flyer at your local vet clinic or pet store, please email us at for a template or leave a comment with your email address and location.

We will pray for a puppy filled future for you.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lucky the Dalmatian

Lucky - the 2 yr old sprightly young fellow, looking for a mate in Bangalore. See our Dalmatian thread for details of the owner.

Our first dalmation

Lucky, who is 2 and in the prime of his doggie lovin youth! For more check out our Dalmatian thread.

Doggie pictures - how to post

Till we figure out how to post doggie pictures in comments, if you have a doggie picture to post with your doggies shaadi ad please email us at and we'll be happy to post it for you.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Calvin - lab searching for a mate - Bangalore

This is Calvin. Our first Lab looking for a mate on this site.

Photos in comments

Anyone know how I can let you post pictures in comments? Or whether its possible at all in blogger?


Please post the details of your Dalmatians as comments to this post in the following format:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.



Please post the details of your Beagle as comments to this post in the following format:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.



Please post the details of your Cockerspaniel as comments to this post in the following format:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.



Please post the details of your dogs not classified in a dedicated post or where you are not particular about the breed you would have your otherwise classified dog mated with, as comments to this post in the following format:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.



Please post the details of your Rottweiler as comments to this post in the following format:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.



Please post the details of your Doberman as comments to this post in the following format:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.



Please post the details of your Pugs as comments to this post in the following format:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.


Golden Retreivers

Please post the details of your Golden Retreivers as comments to this post in the following format:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.


Alsatians- German Shepherds

Please post the details of your GS as comments to this post in the following format:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.



Please post requests for mating with details of your Labrador Retriever in the comments section of this post. Please leave the following details:

1. Name of dog;
2. Age;
3. Breed and colour;
4. Health (problems if any);
5. Gender;
6. Details of previous litters, if any;
7. Location;
8. Any other breed specific or other details you think are relevant; and
9. Your contact details email/phone number where others may contact you.

If you can think of any other details I should add to this template please let me know.

Stuff I forgot

Since this was a work in progress I was thinking that I would post under a major breed header, since most people want to mate by breed, and let each post be used as a thread for dogs available for mating in that particular breed. This would organise things somewhat.

If you are someone who has a dog outside the breeds mentioned you have two options, either to post under the "misc" post or to message me and I will start a separate thread for that breed.

I would be happy to hear any suggestions from people who can think of a better way of managing this.


Doggie Shaadi!! *rwof*

Being a dog owner for several years I have come to the slow realisation that when a particular furry friend comes of age, finding a mate is one of the most difficult things to do. Having struggled with what can only be described as a shot in the dark search everytime a pet matured is an often irksome and unfruitful exercise.

The world needn't fret anymore because Doggie Shaadi is here. A website dedicated to getting it on doggystyle.

If you are looking for a mate for your dog, a friends dog or a dog your are related to by blood or choice, please feel free to post here with the name, breed, age, details of previous litters, health and photograph of your doggy. And hopefully the doggie shaadi gods will work their magic and help you find a suitable boy (or girl).

Since this site is a work in progress all your suggestions and feedback will be welcome to make this a more fruitful experience for everyone involved.

I pray for many little puppies in all your futures.

I do close this first post with a disclaimer - please be careful while dealing with people you find on this website. The owner/promoter of this site bears no responsibility for the irresponsibility of people you may encounter here. I cannot vouch for the credibility of anyone who posts on this site or be held liable for any damage/loss resulting therefrom. This site is only a mechanism to facilitate doggy lovin and cannot be treated as a certificate of bona fide for anyone posting here. Please be aware and sensible when meeting people who post here to avoid falling into traps, scams and schemes.